Friday, Aug. 18 

4 p.m.: Bingo doors and sales open in the parish hall; session begins at 5 p.m. 

5 p.m.: Carnival and booths open 

5:30 p.m.: Blessing of fiesta grounds 

6 p.m.: Cisne De Nuevo Mexico performs 

7 p.m.: Isabel Molina performs 

8 p.m.: Mustang Disposition performs 

8:40 p.m.: Live auction 

11 p.m.: Fiesta closes

Saturday, Aug. 19 

10 a.m.: Fiesta parade on Main Street 

11 a.m.: Carnival and booths open 

11 a.m.: TJ Sanchez & Zia Soul performs 

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Car and bike show 

11:30 a.m.: Cornhole tournament in the parish hall 

1:15 p.m.: Cadillac Whiskey performs 

3:30 p.m.: Los Malcriados performs 

4 p.m.: Bingo doors and sales open in the parish hall; session begins at 5 p.m. 

5:45 p.m.: Live auction 

6:15 p.m.: Power Drive USA performs 

8:45 p.m.: Candace Vargas & Northern 505 performs 

11 p.m.: Fiesta closes

Sunday, Aug. 20 

8:30-11 a.m.: Breakfast burrito sale in the parish hall 

1 p.m.: Bingo doors and sales open in the parish hall; session begins at 2 p.m. 

1 p.m.: Horseshoe tournament 

1 p.m.: Tripple-X performs 

1 p.m.: Chile contest; judging begins at 2 p.m. 

3:45 p.m.: Bandalegre performs 

6:30 p.m.: Sangre Joven performs 

4:45 p.m.: Live auction 

8:30 p.m.: Raffle drawing; fiesta closes 

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Julia M. Dendinger began working at the VCNB in 2006. She covers Valencia County government, Belen Consolidated Schools and the village of Bosque Farms. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists Rio Grande chapter’s board of directors.