Buses need to be safe


Los Lunas Schools is about to rent school busses to the International Balloon Fiesta as they have been for the last few years. No big deal other than wear and tear on busses and sleep-deprived drivers on Monday morning.

But this year, it’s a really bad idea. There will be thousands of people from all over the world who may be COVID-19 positive riding our buses. These buses will be transporting students on Monday morning.

Does Los Lunas Schools transportation department need that extra revenue? I say our buses should just be used for transporting students.

Bella Flores

Los Lunas


Children die of COVID-19


On Aug. 26, my wife noticed in the Albuquerque Journal classifieds that the Valencia County commissioners would meet on Aug. 27. The notice did not state what the meeting was about.

My wife went to the Valencia County website to find out what was on the agenda, which is printed below.

“Consideration to Approve Resolution … Opposing Vaccine Passports as a Requirement for Admission to the New Mexico State Fair and Mask Mandates for Youth Livestock Producers. Presenter: County Attorney R. Nance; Sponsor: Vice-Chairman, Jhonathan Aragon.”

We did not agree with this resolution, so my wife tried to notify like-thinking people to attend the meeting.

On Aug. 27, my wife was the only person to physically attend the meeting. There was no sign in to speak at the meeting. The meeting was called to order. The commissioners did not ask my wife to speak.

The commissioners unanimously passed the resolution and closed the meeting.

As my wife waited outside the meeting, she stopped Troy Richardson, our commissioner, to ask why they passed this resolution. Richardson said the commissioners wanted the governor to know how they felt.

My wife then tried to explain how this virus is so dangerous and children have died from it. Richardson said that only 340 children have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. My wife asked how he could put “only” in front of 340 children. Richardson excused himself and left.

When I did further research with the CDC, I found out that at least 400 children died from the virus in the U.S. and more than 4.59 million children tested positive from the virus since the onset of the pandemic.

I guess it’s up to parents to decide if their children should attend functions with or without mask, but I am happy that the New Mexico governor set mask mandates for the New Mexico State Fair.

Robert Draszkiewicz

Los Lunas

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