What about the toxins? 


Regarding the PlastikGas plant, does anyone making decisions about industry in the village ever do any research or reading at all? I turned this article up in under 30 seconds online (reuters.com/investigates/special-report/environment-plastic-oil-recycling/). 

To summarize, this Reuters report “examined 30 projects by two dozen advanced recycling companies.” Over and over, these plastic recyclers failed not only to be sustainable but, in some cases, produced more toxins. 

Much of the industry brought into the village will prove detrimental in the long run. Look at Niagara Bottling, sucking up water; and Facebook, same and using a lot of energy, too. 

Look at the dust bowl on the west side of I-25 just north of town that was created by short-sighted acts of our “visionary leadership.” This has not brought us a higher quality of life. 


J.L McCall 

Los Lunas 

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