Strong opposition to Credit Card Competition Act 


I am writing to express my deep concerns and vehement opposition to the Credit Card Competition Act that is currently being considered by our lawmakers.  

As a resident of Belen, and a father who was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta, and two children who also suffer from this disease, I believe this proposed legislation would have severe repercussions for families like mine, as well as our community at large. 

Let me paint a clearer picture of the challenges faced by families with chronic health conditions. My family’s condition demands specialized treatment and procedures that are not readily available within our state. Consequently, we have no choice but to seek treatment outside of New Mexico in order to ensure she receives the best medical care possible.  

This, of course, entails significant financial obligations for our family, including expensive medical bills, travel costs and accommodation expenses. 

If the Credit Card Competition Act were to be enacted, it would severely limit our options for financing these necessary, and often life-saving, medical expenses. By imposing stringent regulations on credit cards and potentially increasing interest rates and fees, this bill would make an already difficult situation even more burdensome for families like ours. 

It is crucial to recognize that families dealing with chronic health conditions, such as osteogenesis imperfecta, often face exorbitant medical costs and rely on credit resources to access vital health care services. The current credit card system provides us with the necessary flexibility and support to manage these expenses. However, this proposed legislation threatens to restrict our access to crucial credit resources, potentially hindering our ability to provide the best possible care for our loved ones. 

Additionally, the Credit Card Competition Act runs counter to the principles of competition and consumer choice that are crucial for a healthy market economy. By imposing regulations that limit credit card access, this bill inadvertently harms individuals and families who depend on flexible and affordable financial solutions to navigate the complexities of healthcare. 

As a member of this community, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of supporting families confronting the daunting task of managing chronic illnesses. We should be working towards policies that enhance the accessibility of affordable healthcare for all Americans, rather than burdening them further with unnecessary financial barriers. 

I implore our lawmakers to reconsider their support for the Credit Card Competition Act and instead concentrate on legislation that champions the wellbeing and financial security of families like mine. Our community needs policies that alleviate the financial burdens on individuals with chronic health conditions, not exacerbate them. 

Thank you for providing a platform for our voices to be heard. I hope this letter will encourage our lawmakers to reevaluate their stance on this bill and vote against its passage.  

Manuel Baca 


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