Thank you, customers 


Dear customers,  

If I failed to tell you or if I didn’t say it as often as I should have, I want you to know:  

I truly appreciate your business throughout my 36 years as your barber. I appreciate your support, your loyalty and your friendship throughout the years. I appreciate you most of all because out of all the choices you had, you chose to come to get your haircut from me. That means the world to me.  

My customers are my extended family and, without them, my career would not have been possible.  

With that being said, it comes with a heavy heart to let you all know that as of Sunday, Aug. 27, 2023, I am officially hanging up my barber coat and putting away my barber tools and starting a new chapter in my life.  

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kindness, laughter and great memories throughout my career. May God bless you all.  

Margareta Kessler 

Margareta’s Barber Shop 




Valencia County had the honor of President Joe Biden visiting the cities of Rio Communities and Belen on Aug. 9, 2023.  

The president’s visit is appreciated and welcome during these stressful days of political turmoil and economic stress.  

Our industrial park will soon have a clean air manufacturing company that will build propellers for wind energy.  (There will be more than) 250 new jobs for our immediate area. Federal input = $14 million plus.  

Thank you, President Biden, four your leadership and recognizing rural communities in New Mexico.  

Arturo R. Sais 

Rio Communities

Great customer service 


I would like to take this time to personally thank Mr. Robert Auge from Auge’s Sales and Service. 

There was an incident that happened to my vehicle. I called him, and within a couple of hours he was at my home to pick up my car. 

He went above and beyond to help me. I am forever grateful to you for taking time out of your busy schedule. 

Lorraine and Lupita Montaño 


Historic presidential visit 


What a surprise we had last week when the president of the United States, Joe Biden, visited New Mexico but, best of all, came to Valencia County.  

Who would have ever thought — I sure didn’t — that the leader of the free world would travel to little ol’ Belen? 

This wasn’t the first time a seated president visited New Mexico. But it was the first time a president in power came to Valencia County. What a historic day.  

Whether you like the man or not, or even his politics, he deserved our respect. Yes, there were a few on the street that day who showed clear defiance to our president, and that’s their right thanks to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

Nonetheless, we should feel proud that the president chose Valencia County to visit.  

Charles Garcia 

Los Chavez 

Interested in submitting a letter to the editor? 

The News-Bulletin welcomes and encourages original letters to the editor, especially on local topics and issues. Shorter letters, about 350 words, are preferred. 

Letters must be signed and include the writer’s address and telephone number (street address and phone number won’t be published). No letter will be published without the writer’s name. 

Letters may be edited for length, spelling, grammar and legal considerations, but in all cases the writer’s intent will be maintained. 

Political candidate endorsements or attacks are considered paid political advertisements and will not appear on the opinion page. 

Letters that might be deemed unsuitable for publication include those that are libelous, are essentially personal attacks, are pointless, are part of an organized letter-writing campaign or are part of a mass mailing. 

Qualified individuals wishing to directly reply to a News-Bulletin editorial or column are invited to contact the editor to discuss writing an op-ed piece, guest editorial or guest column. 

  • Write to: 

Letters, News-Bulletin 

221 S. Main St., Ste. B 

Belen, N.M., 87002 

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The Valencia County News-Bulletin is a locally owned and operated community newspaper, dedicated to serving Valencia County since 1910 through the highest journalistic and professional business standards. The VCNB is published weekly on Thursdays, including holidays both in print and online.