Disaster events more frequent


The concentration of CO2 in the world’s atmosphere, fluctuated between 185 and 285 ppm for 300,000 years. However, today CO2 is at 412 ppm, a third more CO2 in our atmosphere, due to our burning of fossil fuels, coal, oil, and methane (natural gas).

The result, torrential rains, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, the “polar vortex” and drought. These events are becoming more frequent and/or intense.

Climate change costs money, destroying homes, cars, forest, crops, and 4,500 lives in the U.S. in the past five years. In the 1980s, a $1 billion disaster occurred once every four months or three times a year. At present, it’s every three weeks, or 17 times a year.

In 2021, 20 $1 billion dollar or more events occurred, or $152.6 billion in total. That’s a lot of homes, cars, crops, etc., destroyed or damaged. It’s also a lot of wind, solar or geothermal  renewable projects that could have been built, creating good paying jobs, taxes and a much healthier environment for us to live in.

The reason for this letter, is a response to John L. Schinkle’s,  letter to the editor, “New Mexicans at Risk.” Mr. Schinkle is correct, we’re at risk, but it’s obvious that he as a climate denier, and is oblivious to the extreme weather events now happening and becoming more frequent every year. I’d like to point out to him, renewable energy, once installed, doesn’t need coal, oil or gas, i.e. fire to continuously be fed to produce our energy needs.

Wind, solar and geothermal heat are free for the taking and that is why renewal energy now cost less than fossil fuels and continues to become less expensive in costs, unlike fossil fuels, to produce the energy we need today.

As Mr. Schinkle said, “ignorance and stupidity” that’s what’s keeping us from switching even more rapidly to renewable energy.


Ward B. McCartney, Belen


Veterans appreciate community support


Thank you for supporting the Veterans on Nov. 11, 2022, especially those in Valencia County.

The Los Lunas event, sponsored by L.I.V.E., Inc. (Los Lunas Invests in Veteran Events), village of Los Lunas, Blue Star Mothers and RAKS recognized all military veterans.

Your veteran special section and photos were great, the community is very appreciative.

We also want to thank the Los Lunas Police Department, Los Lunas Fire Department, the Los Lunas and Valencia High School JROTC, Main Street Muscle & Fitness, Fiesta Tent Rentals, Event Pros/Audio Visual, Jean Davies, Veteran (Jubilee), Pastor Julian Ortega, Calvary Chapel, Art Fender, Retired Veteran, VFW Post 9676 Color Guard and retired Col. Joe Long for his inspirational message.

Jubilation: Barbershop Singers sang a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem following the Combat Veteran Motorcycle Riders that lead the veterans into the park. The Parks Department (Marcos Castillo) had the park and flags in first class condition.

The VFW Post 9676 concluded the program by playing “Taps,” which ended the event in a very somber and patriotic fashion.


Jim Schnitzler, L.I.V.E., Inc.

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