Mike Powers|News-Bulletin photo
It was a kickball showdown between Special Olympians and administration at Los Lunas High School

Los Lunas 

Special Olympics athletes at Los Lunas High School recently took on members of the LLHS administration in a game of kickball in preparation for the district’s Special Olympics event.   

“It gave us an opportunity to interact with the students, just have fun with them, even though we got our butts kicked,” said Eric Tiger, LLHS principal.   

General education students were also involved, helping as coaches.  

The Special Olympics New Mexico Unified Program is Saturday, April 20, at Valencia High School.   

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Mike Powers spent more than 40 years as a television news and sports anchor, mostly in the Albuquerque market. He has won numerous awards including New Mexico Sportscaster of the Year. He covers a wide range of sports, including the Valencia County prep scene.