Whether it be for adventure, family recreation or use for hunting and camping, riding All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) is a popular pastime for many Valencia County residents.

“It’s like riding a bike, but you don’t have to pedal,” said Nick Barry, a mechanic at Boo Baas Barnyard in Peralta.

Barry said he enjoys being outdoors and taking his family riding with him. He also said that riding an ATV is relaxing and a “way to get away.”

Tim Medina of Los Lunas races ATVs as a hobby. He said he does it mainly for the “adrenaline rush and a need for speed.”

Medina said most people underestimate the power of the vehicle and how dangerous crashing can be.

He said, “The element of danger makes it exciting … but it also means you have to be careful.”

Medina said he always wears proper gear, and makes sure he knows the terrain he’s riding on before driving at high speeds.

Adam Greenwood of Adventure Motorsports in Los Lunas has been riding ATVs for 10 years. He too enjoys taking his family riding and he, his wife and their son often go riding around their Tomé home.

“It’s a good way to bring the family together,” he said.

However, Greenwood said, it is vital to take safety precautions. He said it is important to wear gear such as over-the-calf boots, long pants, eye protection and a helmet.

“A helmet is pretty cheap life insurance,” he said.

Greenwood said it is also important to follow basic rules and guidelines on where and how to ride.

“A few of them are ruining it for the rest of us,” he said. He sees a lot of people wreck their vehicles and get hurt simply because they weren’t taking proper precautions.

“Just use your head,” Greenwood said, “It (riding) is a lot of fun, but you’ve got to do it right.”

June 22, 2002

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