So, what is the deal with all the aliens in the news lately?

3D illustration with photography. Alien spaceship flying with panning effect.

This week, a government whistleblower made international headlines when he said, under oath at a congressional hearing, that the U.S. government has recovered vessels that are being reverse-engineered and are also in possession of non-human “biologics.”

Retired Maj. David Grusch told the House Oversight Committee’s national security subcommittee he knows the exact location of the unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), which are the official government term for UFOs.

As expected, Pentagon officials have denied Grusch’s testimony. The Associated Press reported Defense Department spokeswoman Sue Gough said investigators have not discovered “any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.”

Grusch, who was part of the Pentagon’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force, said he never saw aliens or their ships but has interviewed more than 40 witnesses in the four years he worked there.

So, who do we believe? The government, which does not have the best record of truthfulness, or the whistleblower, who is very credible but has never actually seen anything but went under oath in front of Congress.

Until we get solid proof, maybe little green or grey people landing on the White House lawn asking to be taken to our leader, we’ll just have to go with our guts.

Even then, it is hard to believe because unless you are there, in person, it is nearly impossible to believe anything we see on TV or the internet with all the artificial intelligence and deep-fake technology.

As I stated, I do believe in aliens. Am I a fool? Probably. Do I care? Not really.

I come from a family of believers. In fact, when I was a kid, my mother and I actually thought we saw UFOs on the highway between my hometown of Pecos and Santa Fe.

As I got older, my memory of childhood has faded a bit, but the images of three triangle UFOs flying overhead are burned into my head. I am not asking you to believe me or believe in aliens, I just wanted to put that into the most public sphere I can for some crazy reason.

I am not the only UFO believer in my family. My grandmother also believed in them. She was one of the most loving, strong and church-going women I have ever known.

The story she told me took place around a little town called Roswell, N.M. I have not fact-checked her story but I believed her as much as I loved her. She told me she was the secretary to a colonel in the Air Force during the infamous Roswell UFO incident. My grandmother never gave specifics; she was sworn to secrecy. She did tell me she typed up some kind of report and that she believed in aliens.

That was all I needed from her to confirm my beliefs.

As Congress has more inquiries into UAPs, we all can just sit back and watch this insanity unfold. I suspect if people believe or do not, not much besides hard proof, either way, will change anyone’s mind.

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Jesse Jones lives in Albuquerque with his wife and son. Jesse graduated from of the University of New Mexico twice. This spring, he graduated with a degree in multimedia journalism and, in 2006, he received a bachelor’s degree in university studies with an emphasis in photojournalism. He is a current fellow of the New Mexico Local News Fund.